The Wall Street Bitcoin – Opens to all on the 6th of June

the wall street bitcoin crypto


The World’s First and Most Awaited Crypto-NFT is launching on the 6th of June.

VIRGINIA, U.S.A, June 4, 2022 / — Ever since the creation of Bitcoin, thousands of Cryptocurrencies have spawned, creating a wave of investment opportunities for people, both newcomers and experts. But every coin or token has one major common aspect, they are extremely volatile. It’s unpredictable and makes any experienced investor look like an amateur.

With these drawbacks as problems, a solution was needed. There was a need for a safety net when everything crashed. And that’s exactly why The Wall Street Bitcoin was created. A token based on the performance of the original Bitcoin. The price of the gains of The Wall Street Bitcoin price are 25% of the actual dollar gain in Bitcoin. While the losses are based on the percentage of dollar losses in Bitcoin.

This means that for every $1000 rise in the original Bitcoin price would raise the price of The Wall Street Bitcoin by $250. And an example 5% loss in the price of Bitcoin would drop the price of The Wall street Bitcoin by 5%. This keeps the losses at a minimum while keeping the profits high. The current price of The Wall Street Bitcoin is at $7000 and climbing based on the price of the original Bitcoin.

And to prevent total losses, The Wall Street Bitcoin has a Stop Loss Mechanism built in that prevents the price of the token from falling below a certain value. The Stop Loss Mechanism stops the price at a preset value that is calculated from the all-time high price of The Wall Street Bitcoin, thus preventing the price from reaching zero. This makes The Wall Street Bitcoin, the only token that can be called Crash Proof. With the current all-time high price of $17,146.62 on November 10th, 2021, the stop loss price is now at $3,429.32. This also means that the price of The Wall Street Bitcoin will never go below $3,429.32.

The Wall Street Bitcoin was created with one purpose and that was to back an NFT and thus The Wall Street Bitcoin Crypto-NFT was created. With the price based on the performance of the original Bitcoin and the Stop Loss Mechanism, The Wall Street Bitcoin Crypto-NFT is the world’s first Crash Proof NFT. And since only 5,250,000 The Wall Street Bitcoins were created, The Wall Street Bitcoin Crypto-NFTs are extremely rare.

After years of research and collaborations, The Wall Street Bitcoin Crypto-NFT is finally ready to be released to the world. And there’s no better time than now. To celebrate this historic launch, The Wall Street Bitcoin Crypto-NFTs will be available at an incredible offer of just $49.

“We have seen the ups and downs of the Crypto market. And with the current market situation, there has to be something that can prevent total losses for investors in crypto. And that’s exactly what we are going to do with The Wall Street Bitcoin Crypto-NFT.” said, one of the founding members.

The Wall Street Bitcoin Crypto-NFT will be available at a quick sale on the 6th of June. Users can sign up on a waitlist to get notified at

Jack Kornovich
The Wall Street Bitcoin LLC

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June 04, 2022, 14:55 GMT

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