Veterans Day 2020:US Celebrities honored the war veterans

Veterans Day 2020 CelebrationVeterans Day 2020 Celebration

Nov. 11, 2020, named as Veterans Day, is a time set aside to honor those who served in the U.S. armed forces during times of war and peace.

Back in 1919, the reports of the Veterans Administration states that President Woodrow Wilson proclaimed Nov. 11 as the first commemoration of Armistice Day. In 1938, Armistice Day was made a legal holiday, set aside to honor veterans of World War I. In 1954, Congress changed the day from “Armistice Day” to “Veterans Day,” and, in 1954, officially declared it was a day to honor all American veterans of U.S. wars. Unlike many government holidays which are marked on a Monday, Veterans Day is observed on Nov .11, regardless of which day of the week it falls.Also, the day is a federal holiday as well as a state holiday in all the states of the USA.

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As far as the Veterans day celebrations of 2020 was concerned,many eminent personalities came forward and showered their respect for those who served in the nation’s armed forces. The social media platforms of the celebrities were inundated with messages of love and respect towards their guardian angels who stood as pillars of their nation and offered their passionate services for their land.

‘We are indebted to them beyond measure”- says President Donald Trump

In the recent Veterans Day celebrations of 2020, President Donald Trump visited Arlington National Cemetery and paid his respects to the war veterans.�

â€Å“America’s veterans have fought to defend our country, its values, and its interests since the first days of our founding. They have defeated tyrants, eliminated terrorists, and secured freedom at home and abroad. Their courage and fortitude in the face of adversity serve as an example for all Americans. On Veterans Day, we pause to pay tribute to all who have proudly worn our Nation’s uniform. These Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines, and Coast Guardsmen selflessly placed lives, well‑being, and security of others before their own. We enjoy the privileges of peace, prosperity, and freedom because of our veterans, and we are forever indebted to them beyond measure’-posted the president on his Instagram page.

The President elect Joe Biden also expressed his immense gratitude and respect to those who served the military forces of the nation. As the nation celebrated the day of Veterans he stated that its his duty to ensure not to betray the values that they fought so bravely to defend. He also stated that as a commander in chief he is well aware of their sacrifices and services and thus promised to protect their valuable efforts.

The former president Barack Obama took a moment to reflect on his journey across America where he got a golden opportunity to visit the extraordinary troops, veterans and military families. He expressed his reverence and gratitude not only towards the courage of the wounded warriors but also to the devotion of the caregivers who stood by their side. â€Å“This Veterans Day, take a moment to thank a military service member or veteran for the sacrifices they’ve made for our countryâ€-posted the former President.

Also Read: Chris Pratt celebrates his brother on Veterans Day with wholehearted Quote

The newly elected vice president Kamala Harris took her time to proclaim her wholehearted appreciation towards the local D.C bakery that stood as a backbone to empower the nation’s armed forces. ‘I stopped by @dogtagbakery, a local D.C. bakery that empowers our nation’s veterans, military families, and caregivers. Grateful to all who support our veterans in our communities’-posted Kamala Harris.

Along with the political personalities other celebrities from the American Film Industry including Dwayne Johnson, Kerry Washington and several others also used their social media platform to revere the Veterans.

Being a strong patriot, Dwayne Johnson thanked the Veterans and stated that he is honored to forever pledge allegiance to his country and flag.

Kerry Washington on the other hand shared a video snippet with her father saluting the armed force and service men as a way to express her boundless reverence to the veterans. ‘So to all the Veterans out there, including my fave Veteran .…thank you for your service. We salute you today and everyday’-posted the actress.

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